Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies [PDF][2nd Edition] - by Barry Burd

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Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies
Inglés | 4.62 MB | PDF | Visualización: Óptima | 408 Pág | Publisher: Wiley Publishing, Inc. | 2nd Edition.
ISBN: 978-0-7645-8874-7 | Autores: Barry Burd

Cubriendo todo, desde los conceptos básicos de desarrollo de Java a las últimas herramientas y técnicas utilizadas, este libro ayudará a los aspirantes a programadores en su camino hacia el dominio de Java.

Explora lo que sucede en la creación de un programa, cómo poner las piezas juntas, o enfréntate a los desafíos de programación estándar, depuración, y hacer que funcionen.

Actualizado para Java SDK 2.0, con ejemplos revisados ​​para observar los cambios en la tecnología.

Contenido del Libro

Part I: Revving Up

  • Chapter 1: Getting Started.
  • Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Computer.
  • Chapter 3: Running Programs.

Part II: Writing Your Own Java Programs

  • Chapter 4: Exploring the Parts of a Program.
  • Chapter 5: Composing a Program.
  • Chapter 6: Using the Building Blocks: Variables, Values, and Types.
  • Chapter 7: Numbers and Types.
  • Chapter 8: Numbers? Who Needs Numbers?

Part III: Controlling the Flow

  • Chapter 9: Forks in the Road.
  • Chapter 10: Which Way Did He Go?
  • Chapter 11: How to Flick a Virtual Switch.
  • Chapter 12: Around and Around It Goes.
  • Chapter 13: Piles of Files: Dealing with Information Overload.
  • Chapter 14: Creating Loops within Loops.
  • Chapter 15: The Old Runaround.

Part IV: Using Program Units

  • Chapter 16: Using Loops and Arrays.
  • Chapter 17: Programming with Objects and Classes.
  • Chapter 18: Using Methods and Variables from a Java Class.
  • Chapter 19: Creating New Java Methods.
  • Chapter 20: Oooey GUI Was a Worm.

Part V: The Part of Tens

  • Chapter 21: Ten Sets of Web Links.
  • Chapter 22: Ten Useful Classes in the Java API.


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Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies

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